Thursday, August 6, 2009

FifTh WeEk PraCtical..

This week was quite hectic too. Finally, the observation had finished. week will be final week of practical. Time really flies, which is a good thing. What i can see from this practical is i get to know that most of the people has two faces, they can be very nice to you and they can talk bad about u as well. This is what i see in this school. So, becareful with whatever u want to say in front of anyone.


  1. Got a feel of the real working environment hor... good thing, you can get yourself ready to the world of realistic ;)

  2. this is true everywhere in the world, girl.
    especially in schools where some ppl do very little work & have a lot of time to chitchat.

  3. mike & ahkamkoko - this practical gave me a chance to see the real people out there who are so hypocrite and pretending all the time..ya, i saw these ppl who avoid doing work and give everything to us instead..
